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  • A chilling mystery that remains from the Middle Ages

    A chilling mystery that remains from the Middle Ages The shroud of Turin is a linen cloth that bears a faint image of a man who seems to have suffered from physical trauma. Many people believe that it is the image of Jesus Christ after being crucified and buried in a stone tomb. However, the origin and authenticity of the shroud remain a mystery that has not been solved. History The shroud was first known in the 14th century, when it was displayed in France by a monk named Geoffroy de Charny. Later, it was moved to Turin, Italy, in 1578 by the Savoy family, an Italian royal house. In 1983, the shroud was given to the Holy See and is now kept in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of Turin. Image The image on the shroud shows the face and body of a bearded man, about 1.8 meters tall. He has many wounds all over his body, especially on his arms, legs and side. The marks are consistent with being nailed on a cross and pierced by a spear. The image can only be seen clearly when photographed in negative. Explanation There are different hypotheses to explain how the image was formed on the shroud. Some hypotheses suggest that the image is the result of a natural process, such as oxidation, decomposition or light reflection. Some hypotheses propose that the image is the result of a supernatural process, such as resurrection, transfiguration or radiation. Some hypotheses argue that the image is the result of an artificial process, such as painting, printing or using chemicals. Dating One of the biggest controversies about the shroud is its dating. In 1988, three scientific groups from Oxford University, Arizona University and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology conducted radiocarbon dating on a small sample of the shroud. They concluded that the shroud was made between 1260 and 1390, that is, more than 12 centuries after Jesus Christ died. However, many people challenged this result, claiming that the sample was not representative of the whole shroud, or that it was contaminated by other factors. Some other studies suggested other dating methods, such as bacterial dating, vanillin dating or infrared spectroscopy. So far, the process of studying the shroud has never rested. But many people actually believe that the shroud is the remnant of one of the most influential figures in the history of human development.

  • Blackpink’s Jisoo broke her silence, how unexpected.

    Announced: Actor Ahn Bo-hyun and Blackpink’s Jisoo are a couple The talent agencies of Blackpink singer Jisoo and actor Ahn Bo-hyun revealed that the stars are in a romantic relationship, breaking the usual silence that often shrouds celebrity love affairs in South Korea. FN Entertainment, Ahn's agency, told CNN on Thursday that the relationship was true, after local media outlets reported that the couple had been seen together in Seoul, sparking fan frenzy. "They are slowly getting to know each other with good feelings. We hope you can support the couple with a warm heart," it said. Yonhap, a South Korean news agency, reported a similar statement from YG Entertainment, Blackpink's record label. Jisoo, 28, is the oldest member of the Blackpink group and the only one whose relationship status is confirmed, despite persistent gossip about their personal lives. Ahn, 35, started his acting career with FN Entertainment in 2014 and is famous for his roles in Korean dramas such as "Itaewon Class," "Yumi's Cells" and "Descendants of the Sun." It is very uncommon for agencies to disclose the dating relationships of K-pop idols, but the industry is slowly changing its stance on the controversial contract clauses that ban performers from dating other celebrities. Blackpink - which includes Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa and Rosé - debuted in 2016 and quickly rose to global fame. In 2019, they were the first Asian act to headline the Coachella festival in California and last year they were named Time magazine's Entertainer of the Year - becoming only the second K-pop group to get the title. The group is now on its second "Born Pink" world tour.

  • FBI Portland Looking for More Victims after Woman Got Away from Improvised Cell in Klamath Falls,

    FBI Portland Looking for More Victims after Woman Got Away from Improvised Cell in Klamath Falls, Oregon The FBI’s Portland Field Office is asking for the public’s help in identifying potential victims of an alleged violent sex assault offender who has lived in at least 10 states. Twenty-nine-year-old, Negasi Zuberi (a.k.a. “Sakima,” “Justin Hyche” and “Justin Kouassi”), is in federal custody for interstate kidnapping after a Washington woman escaped his home in Klamath Falls, Oregon, claiming she was kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and locked in a cinderblock cell. According to court records, on July 15, 2023, Zuberi traveled from his home in Klamath Falls, Oregon, to Seattle, where he hired a prostitute, he then pretended to be an undercover police officer. The victim told investigators that he pointed a taser at her and placed her in handcuffs and leg irons and put her in the back seat of his car. He then traveled roughly 450 miles with the woman, sexually assaulting her during the trip. According to the victim, once he arrived at his home in Klamath Falls, Oregon, Zuberi moved her into a makeshift cell that he had built in his garage. The cell was made of cinder blocks and a metal door installed in reverse so it could not be opened from the inside. Once Zuberi left, the victim says she repeatedly banged on the door and was able to break the door open and escape the room. She was able to flag down a passing motorist who called 9-1-1. Klamath Falls Police Department obtained a search warrant for Zuberi’s residence and found the makeshift cell described by the victim. Zuberi fled and was located in Reno, Nevada, where he was taken into custody after a brief standoff with local police. “According to the complaint, this woman was kidnapped, chained, sexually assaulted, and locked in a cinderblock cell. Police say, she beat the door with her hands until they were bloody in order to break free. Her quick thinking and will to survive may have saved other women from a similar nightmare,” says Assistant Special Agent in Charge Stephanie Shark of the FBI Portland Field Office. “We are fortunate that this brave woman escaped and alerted authorities. Through quick law enforcement action, we were able to get Zuberi in custody the next day. While she may have helped protect future victims, sadly we have now linked Zuberi to additional violent sexual assaults in at least four states, and there could be more.” Zuberi has lived in ten states over the last 10 years, and FBI investigators have reason to believe there could be additional sexual assault victims. The FBI’s investigation has extended to multiple states where Zuberi previously resided between August of 2016 and today. Those states could include California, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Utah, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Alabama, and Nevada. Victims may know Zuberi by the name “Sakima,” and it is believed he may have used several different methods to gain control of his victims, including by drugging their drinks and impersonating a police officer. The victims are often threatened with retaliation if they notify the police. If you believe you have been a victim or have any information concerning Zuberi (aka Sakima) visit or call 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324). You can also contact the FBI Portland Field Office at (503) 224-4181, your local FBI office, the nearest American Embassy or Consulate, or you can submit a tip online at The FBI would like to acknowledge our partners assisting in this investigation, including the United States Attorney’s Office – District of Oregon, Klamath Falls Police Department, Oregon Department of Justice, Oregon State Police, Reno Police Department, Nevada State Police, and the FBI Las Vegas Field Office, Reno Resident Agency. A criminal complaint is only an accusation of a crime, and a defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

  • Death note in the bible

    Death note in the bible The Bible verses about death that comfort, warn, or instruct believers about the reality and meaning of death. The Bible teaches that death is the result of sin, but also the gateway to eternal life for those who believe in Jesus Christ. The Bible also gives hope and guidance for those who mourn the loss of their loved ones. Some of the Bible verses about death that comfort, warn, or instruct believers about the reality and meaning of death are: John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Revelation 21:4 - He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. Psalm 23:4 - Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Matthew 10:28 - And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. John 11:25-26 - Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 - But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.

  • Fact check about Amish

    Fact check about Amish Yes, Amish children can have autism, cancer and diabetes | Fact check The claim: A new study discovered no cases of autism, cancer or diabetes in Amish children A July 10 Instagram post (direct link, archive link) shows a screenshot of a headline that claims a range of diagnoses are absent in a certain religious population. “New Study Discovers No Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism,” reads the headline. The post received more than 16,000 likes in one day. Other versions of the claim were shared thousands of more times. Our rating: False The Amish Heritage Foundation told USA TODAY there are cases of Amish children with each of the listed conditions. A researcher who focuses on the Amish community highlighted news articles and studies showing Amish children are not immune from cancer, autism or diabetes. Amish Heritage Foundation says false claims prevent people from getting necessary care The headline is a screenshot of an article by the right-wing website Leading Report. The full article describes a “new comprehensive study” presented by entrepreneur and misinformation purveyor Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate. It claims the study said “that for Amish children, who are strictly 100 percent unvaccinated, typical chronic conditions barely exist, if any at all.” In reality, the article was referring to Kirsch’s statement to the Medical Freedom Panel hosted by Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Doug Mastriano on June 9. He did not present any “comprehensive study,” but rather provided anecdotal evidence of lower rates of COVID-19 in the Amish community and claimed unvaccinated children are generally healthier than vaccinated children. He made no claim of a study finding zero cases of the conditions among the Amish. Fact check: Stem cells, not cancer cells, used to make lab-grown meat Erik Wesner, a researcher on Amish communities who founded the Amish America website, said the social media posts present a “pretty bold claim that just does not really match reality in any way.” He referenced the case of Sarah Herschberger, a young Amish girl with cancer who went into hiding with her family in the midst of a court case that sought to force her to have chemotherapy against her family’s wishes, as reported by the Columbus Dispatch, as well as a 1972 study that identified Amish children with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Studies from 2009 and 2010 also identify Amish children on the autism spectrum. Torah Bontrager, founder of the Amish Heritage Foundation, said there is “absolutely no validity” to claims that Amish children do not have such conditions. Bontrager, who was born and raised in an Amish family but left the religion as a teenager, said she personally knows Amish children with each of the listed conditions. She described contrary claims as “anti-Amish tropes.” “It marginalizes us Amish people and contributes further harm toward Amish children who need medical care and attention,” she said. “Those issues are not actually attended to because the general public believes what this supposed researcher is saying and we just fall through the cracks.” She said cultural and educational barriers can make it difficult to conduct legitimate studies of the Amish population, and any claims made about the Amish community should be closely scrutinized. USA TODAY previously debunked a claim that COVID-19 does not affect Amish communities and the suggestion that vaccines cause autism and other conditions.

  • What did Ridley Scott do?

    Ridley Scott Rewrote Napoleon Script for Joaquin Phoenix Joaquin Phoenix (The Joker) portrays Napoleon Bonaparte in Ridley Scott’s Napoleon (2023). The historical drama focuses on the French military leader’s life in stunningly vivid detail. It depicts Bonaparte’s rise to Emperor, including his often turbulent marriage to Marie Josèphe Rose Tascher de La Pagerie. Two weeks before the filming of Napoleon, Phoenix came to Scott with a problem. Scott told Empire Magazine during an interview: He’ll come in, and you’re…two weeks out, and he’ll say, ‘I don’t know what to do’. I’ll say, ‘What?!’ ‘I don’t know what to do.’ Oh God, I said, ‘Come in, sit down.’ We sat for ten days, all day, talking scene by scene. In a sense, we rehearsed. Absolutely detail by detail. Phoenix and Scott worked together on another historical epic alongside Russel Crowe in Gladiator (2000). Both director and actor have noted their enjoyment working together on the first film. Phoenix tells Empire: The truth is, there was just a very nostalgic idea of working with Ridley again. I had such an incredible experience working with Ridley on Gladiator, and I was so young. It was my first big production. I really yearned for that experience again, or something similar. Phoenix placed a strong focus on the development of Bonaparte’s character. He became so in tune with Napoleon that Scott let him change some of the script to coincide with Phoenix’s vision. Scott said the following in a second interview with Empire: “Joaquin is about as far from conventional as you can get…With Joaquin, we can rewrite the damn film because he’s uncomfortable. And that kind of happened with Napoleon. We unpicked the film to help him focus on who Bonaparte was. I had to respect that, because what was being said was incredibly constructive. It made it all grow bigger and better. In the official movie trailer, Phoenix’s dynamic acting brings history to life. The trailer begins with the execution of Marie Antoinette and spirals through a series of thrilling scenes. Bonaparte’s introduction to his future wife, Josephine, and his successful destruction of enemies on a lake during the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805 are a few worth noting. Napoleon is set to release on November 22, 2023.

  • A New Trend in Online Dating

    A New Trend in Online Dating Date-Me Docs A New Wave of Online Romance Authors of Date-Me Docs, which are like longer, more detailed versions of personal ads, are hoping for more meaningful connections than what can be achieved through swiping on dating apps. Connie Li, a software engineer, decided to try something new after experiencing casual encounters on dating apps following a breakup. She wrote her own profile, a lengthy document in Google Docs, describing herself and her interests. After posting it on social media, she received responses from potential matches. Date-Me Docs are becoming an emerging dating trend among urbanites who are experiencing burnout from dating apps or looking for alternatives. Compared to the number of people using dating apps, Date-Me Doc writers are a small group primarily working in the technology industry and living in major U.S. cities. While it is difficult to accurately determine the number of Date-Me Docs in existence, one database compiled by a writer included over 100 profiles from various cities around the world. The structure of Date-Me Docs varies, but they typically include age, gender, sexual orientation, hobbies, and interests, as well as the writer’s best and worst attributes. Some resemble polished websites with clean designs, photos, and embedded music tracks, while others are more like extended resumes. By creating a Date-Me Doc, individuals hope to improve the quality of their connections and find common ground with potential matches. Although half of people who have used dating apps have had positive experiences, dissatisfaction seems to be growing. Negative experiences are more common among women, who face physical threats, harassment, and unsolicited explicit messages. Date-Me Docs offer an alternative approach to dating, combining the longer profiles of traditional dating sites with the organic connections of matchmaking within one’s social circle. However, the limited number of individuals participating in this type of dating might result in fewer matches. While some people tend to share too much personal information in their Date-Me Docs, others have found success by highlighting their best qualities. It’s important to strike a balance between self-expression and attracting potential partners. Despite the challenges, Date-Me Docs have shown promise for those looking for more meaningful connections beyond superficial swiping.

  • What happened to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife?

    What happened to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau have posted an announcement that they have decided to separate after 18 years of living together. “Sophie and I want to share the truth that after many meaningful and difficult conversations, we have made the decision to separate”, Trudeau wrote in the announcement on Instagram. Trudeau, 51, and Grégoire, 48, married in 2005 and have three children together: two sons, Xavier, 15, and Hadrien, nine, and a daughter, Ella-Grace, 14. “As always, we remain a close family with deep love and respect for each other and for everything we have and will continue to build”, Trudeau and Grégoire wrote in identical messages. “For the sake of our children’s happiness, we ask you to respect our privacy”, the announcement said. Grégoire, a former TV host, played a prominent role alongside Trudeau throughout his political career and became a public figure as she actively participated in charitable and social activities. According to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, Trudeau and Grégoire have signed a legal separation agreement. According to a source familiar with the situation, Grégoire has moved to a separate house in Ottawa, while Prime Minister Trudeau will remain at Rideau Cottage. Grégoire will also spend time at Rideau Cottage, where their children are expected to live most of the time and they will share the responsibility of raising their children. Prime Minister Trudeau is expected to speak to the public this week before going on vacation with his family.

  • MrBeast takes legal action against company behind his burger chain over ‘unfit’ burgers

    MrBeast takes legal action against company behind his burger chain over ‘unfit’ burgers The YouTuber Jimmy Donaldson, better known as MrBeast, is taking the company behind his burger chain MrBeast Burger to court for making “unfit” food. The lawsuit, filed on Monday, claims the company has “damaged” his reputation. He has asked a judge to give him the right to end the deal, claiming the company is serving poor-quality products. In response, lawyers for Virtual Dining Concepts said Donaldson’s legal claims were “full of false statements and inaccuracies”. Donaldson, who is the biggest individual YouTuber in the world with more than 171 million subscribers, teamed up with Virtual Dining Concepts in 2020 to launch MrBeast Burger out of “ghost kitchens” that only prepare orders for food delivery services. MrBeast Burger orders are made at 40 locations in the UK and 1,700 in the US. Fans of MrBeast have posted pictures on Twitter of raw meat in burgers. Customer reviews calling their meals “a terrible meme burger”, “disgusting” and “revolting” were included in the lawsuit. Donaldson told a fan in June that he was unhappy with the MrBeast Burger offering. “Yeah, the problem with Beast Burger is I can’t guarantee the quality of the order. When working with other restaurants it’s impossible to control it sadly,” he said on Twitter. The lawsuit claimed: “Virtual Dining Concepts was more focused on quickly expanding the business as a way to pitch the virtual restaurant model to other celebrities for its own benefit, it was not focused on controlling the quality of the MrBeast Burger customer experience and products.” In response to the lawsuit, lawyers for Virtual Dining Concepts said: “The complaint is full of false statements and inaccuracies and is a thinly disguised attempt to distract from Mr Donaldson’s and Beast Investments’ breaches of the agreements between the parties, including Mr Donaldson’s recent false, disparaging statements regarding the MrBeast brand and VDC.” They accused Donaldson of filing this “baseless” lawsuit after VDC refused to give in to his “bullying tactics.” At the launch of Donaldson’s first physical burger restaurant in September, thousands of fans went to a New Jersey mall. Donaldson launched his “Beast Philanthropy” YouTube channel in 2021, which has more than 10 million subscribers. He does huge cash giveaways and other charitable acts that include rebuilding homes for tornado survivors and doing random acts of kindness.

  • When will Heartstopper be released in Australia? And what are some of the things that will happen?

    When will Heartstopper be released in Australia? And what are some of the things that will happen in the second season? Romance is on the horizon! Heartstopper lovers can breathe a sigh of relief as Netflix delivers the long-awaited second season of the show about the lovable British youngsters. Here are the details you should know. When will Heartstopper season two be released in Australia? The whole eight-episode season will be available today! August 3, at 5pm AEST on Netflix. You can also watch the first season on Netflix. What’s Heartstopper about again? Don’t let the name fool you, Heartstopper is not a medical thriller, but a story about two British teens, Nick (Joe Locke) and Charlie (Kit Conner) and their friends. The series is adapted from a graphic novel and webcomic by British author Alice Oseman and follows the main character Charlie Springs, who is openly gay at his Grammar school. One day he’s teamed up with Nick Nelson — the school’s rugby star who is described by Charlie’s friends as “the straightest person I’ve ever seen”. But Charlie’s friends are not exactly right as Nick deals with his evolving sexuality and feelings for Charlie. Heartstopper’s first season was a hit — earning a 100 per cent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes — and has been applauded for showing a positive story for young people within the LGBTQIA+ community. Refresh my memory, what happened in season one? Well, first of all, drama. Season one mainly focused on the consequences of Nick and Charlie’s cute encounter after they sat together in class by chance. Charlie’s loyal best friend Tao convinces Charlie that there’s no way perfect Nick would be into him but as the season progresses we see there are more layers to Nick than expected. It’s not until halfway through the season that Nick finally confesses he has feelings for Charlie and that he might be bisexual. The season ends with Nick and Charlie having their first kiss and a absolutely heartwarming scene of Nick coming out to his mum, played by a wonderfully sweet Olivia Coleman. What can we expect from season two of Heartstopper? Yesterday, Netflix released the first four minutes of season two confirming that it continues right where the last season left off. We get our first Charlie/Nick kiss within the first three minutes after the former spills the beans about coming out to his mum. Cue the kissing-heavy, honeymoon phase montage. It’s adorable but don’t expect season two to be all rainbows and Mario Kart tournaments. “While season one followed a typical romance story structure, season two sees the characters begin to explore more complex emotional truths about themselves and each other,” Oseman says. “They all feel a little older and wiser, and with that comes a whole host of new experiences and emotions.” The second season will be based partly on the third volume of Oseman’s graphic novel — including the gang’s epic school trip to Paris. But graphic novel fans beware, this season will go off script. “We had a good foundation [with Heartstopper, Volume 3] but there’s not enough in the book to [make] a whole season of TV,” Oseman said. “There had to be a lot of invention of new stuff, which I was really thrilled about.” There will also be resolution for fans of Tao and Ellie, Charlie’s friends who had romantic sparks all through the first season. “At the end of [Season 1], I feel like a lot of people came to me and their main thing was, ‘Oh my God, why didn’t they kiss?’ I think Alice is very clever, because it left the audience wanting more,” said Yasmin Finney who plays Elle. “This season, we really haven’t disappointed anyone. I’m really happy with the work that we’ve done and what we’ve created.” Is season two the final season of Heartstopper? Nope! Netflix confirmed that there will be a season three of the show last year when they announced season two. There have been reports that the third season will start filming in October 2023 but there has been no official confirmation for Netflix.

  • Some of the most terrible punishments in the Bible

    The Bible records many terrible punishments that God or people used to punish those who sinned or betrayed. Some of the most terrible punishments in the Bible are: Being swallowed alive by a whale. This is the punishment that God used for Jonah, who did not obey his command and ran away. Jonah was swallowed alive by a whale and stayed in its belly for three days and three nights, before being vomited out. (Jonah 1-2) Being burned alive by fire from heaven. This is the punishment that God used for the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, where many people ate, drank, were wicked and immoral. God rained fire and brimstone on these two cities, destroying everyone who lived there, except Lot and his family. (Genesis 19) Being beheaded by an axe. This is the punishment that King Herod used for John the Baptist, who criticized him for taking his brother’s wife. King Herod promised to give his wife’s daughter anything she wanted, after she pleased him with her dance. She asked for John the Baptist’s head, and the king ordered someone to chop off his head with an axe and bring it to her. (Matthew 14) Being hanged on a tree by a hook. This is the punishment that King Ahasuerus used for Haman, who plotted to destroy all the Jews in Babylon. King Ahasuerus found out about Haman’s plot thanks to Esther, who was the queen and a Jew. The king ordered someone to hang Haman on a tree five cubits high, which Haman had prepared to hang Mordecai, who was Esther’s uncle and Haman’s enemy. (Esther 7) Being torn apart by lions. This is the punishment that King Darius used for those who conspired against Daniel, who was an important official of the king and a believer in God. These people persuaded the king to issue a law forbidding anyone to pray to any god other than the king for thirty days. They caught Daniel praying to his God, and demanded the king to enforce the law. The king did not want to harm Daniel, but could not change the law, so he ordered someone to throw Daniel into the lion’s den. However, God saved Daniel from the lions, and the king ordered someone to throw those who conspired and their families into the lion’s den. They were torn apart by the lions before they hit the ground. (Daniel 6)

  • They have announced the winning numbers for the Mega Millions jackpot worth $1.1 billion.

    They have announced the winning numbers for the Mega Millions jackpot worth $1.1 billion. What does the church think about? Mega Millions The winning numbers have been announced for the Mega Millions jackpot of $1.1 billion on Tuesday. This could be one of the biggest prizes ever in the lottery’s history. The numbers are 8, 24, 30, 45, 61 and a gold Mega Ball of 12. The lottery said that the jackpot winner could choose to receive it in yearly payments over 29 years, or take a one-time option of about $550.2 million. The jackpot went over $1 billion after no one got all six numbers right on Friday night. It will be the 30th drawing since someone last won the jackpot in New York in April, according to Mega Millions. There were still some big winners on Friday, though. A ticket in Pennsylvania won $5 million by getting the first five numbers right and adding the optional Megaplier for an extra $1. Four more tickets in Arizona, California, New York and Pennsylvania got the first five numbers right and won $1 million each. The biggest Mega Millions jackpot ever was $1.537 billion in South Carolina in 2018. The second-biggest was $1.348 billion in Maine in January and the third-biggest was $1.337 billion last July. Before Tuesday night’s drawing, the fourth-biggest prize in Mega Millions’ history was $1.05 billion won by a ticket in Michigan in 2021. On Tuesday, the Mega Millions drawing for the huge prize comes after someone in Los Angeles bought a Powerball ticket that got all the numbers right and won $1.08 billion. That was the third-biggest Powerball jackpot ever. What does the church think about? Mega Millions The church does not have a common view on Mega Millions or other lottery games. Some people think that this is a harmless form of entertainment, as long as the players do not get addicted or waste money. They also think that if they win, they can use the money to help the poor or do good deeds. Some other people think that this is a form of gambling, violating the biblical teaching on trusting God and being content with what they have. They also think that the money won from the lottery can bring a lot of trouble and temptation to the players. Therefore, the church advises Christians to be careful and think carefully before participating in Mega Millions or other lottery games. They should remember that money is not the ultimate goal of life, but God and his work. They should seek spiritual wealth more than material wealth, and use their money according to God’s will. (Luke 12:13-21)

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