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  • How God Blessed 5 Women with Extraordinary Pregnancies in the Scriptures

    The Stories of 5 Amazing Biblical Mothers Who Conceived by God’s Grace These unusual births seem to defy nature, they show God’s power and love for his people. Something strange seems to be happening. In recent months, Hollywood stars Al Pacino, 83, and Robert de Niro, 79, have become fathers at an age when most men are preparing to retire and enjoy the joy of their grandchildren. Then, Naomi Campbell announced that she welcomed her second child through surrogacy at age 53. Clearly, the Church today opposes surrogacy and in fact considers it a serious violation of human dignity. However, the news of all these abnormal births reminds us of some extraordinary pregnancies that occurred in the Bible. These cases were not only unusual but also miraculous. They involved God’s intervention in a way that He showed His love for the faithful. The Wonders of God in the Lives of 5 Pregnant Women in the Bible... 1. Sarah This biblical woman actually gave birth at age 90! That’s right, the wife of Abraham, 99, gave birth and raised her son Isaac after God assured the “father of many nations” that he would have a son. The birth of Isaac, who would become the grandfather of the 12 tribes of Israel, proved that nothing is beyond God’s power and He always keeps His promises. 2. Rebekah Isaac’s wife knew she was barren, but then became pregnant thanks to prayer and God’s intervention. While today ultrasound technology can tell a woman she is pregnant with twins, Rebekah could feel that she was carrying children who were already competing with each other. When Rebekah asked God about her pregnancy, God said to her: “Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated from your body; one people shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger” (Gen 25:23). Indeed, Rebekah gave birth to two sons, Jacob and Esau. And their brotherly relationship is another story! 3. Samson’s mother Although we know nothing about the name of Samson’s mother, she was said to be unable to have children with her husband Manoah. However, in Judges 13:6-7, we read: “A man of God came to me; his appearance was like that of an angel of God, very awe-inspiring. I did not ask him where he came from; and he did not tell me his name. But he said to me: ‘You shall conceive and bear a son; so then drink no wine or strong drink, and eat nothing unclean, for the boy shall be a nazirite to God from birth to the day of his death.’” This boy became Samson, the brave hero of the Old Testament, who defeated the Philistines. 4. Elizabeth Elizabeth was righteous and her husband, a priest named Zacariah, were both old and childless. As a priest, this was especially hard to accept, as people at that time considered barrenness a sign that God was displeased with the couple. However, after praying to God, Zacariah said: “But the angel said to him: ‘Do not be afraid, Zacariah, for your prayer has been heard; your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. For he will be great before the Lord. He shall drink no wine nor strong drink. And he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb’” (Lk 1:13-15). Filled with joy, Zacariah was speechless throughout his wife’s pregnancy. And when Elizabeth’s relative, the Virgin Mary, came to announce her pregnancy, Elizabeth’s child leaped in her womb and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. Of course, Elizabeth’s son was John the Baptist, who would pave the way for the Savior. 4. The Virgin Mary We save the most wonderful thing for last! The most amazing thing of all pregnancies belongs to the Mother of Jesus Christ. Everything about Mary’s pregnancy and what happened afterwards was a miracle, including the virginal conception, the faith that allowed Mary to say “yes” to God, Joseph’s acceptance to raise God’s Son, Christmas, the life and resurrection of Christ himself. When we recall these literally miraculous stories, we understand that every life is truly a gift from God. #Bible #Christianity #Jesus #God #faith #prayer

  • Why do Catholics not consider pork as unclean as Islam?

    Why do Catholics not consider pork as unclean as Islam? Jesus himself explained that not everything that comes from outside makes a person unclean. Why do Catholics eat pork while Jews and Muslims consider pork unclean? There are different reasons for eating and not eating certain types of meat among different cultures and religions. There are also movements that call for abstaining from meat altogether. For example, recently, an animal rights group sparked controversy when they sent a letter to Pope Francis, urging him to issue a total ban on Catholics eating meat in any form. According to the ACI Prensa news agency, the group argued that “meat should not be eaten when the health of the planet and the future of life are threatened.” Regarding meat consumption in general, the news agency consulted Father Francisco José Delgado, of the Archdiocese of Toledo, Spain, about what the Catholic Church affirms. He said: “In tradition, the Catholic faith has never forbidden eating meat.” He added that this doctrine is consistent “with what the New Testament says.” Clearly Jesus taught that “Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person” (Mk 7:15). Surprised by Jesus’ custom of the Jews, the disciples wondered what he had said, he explained to them: “Are even you likewise without understanding? Do you not realize that everything that goes into a person from outside cannot defile, since it enters not the heart but the stomach and passes out into the latrine?” (Mk 7:18-19). The evangelist Mark emphasizes: “Thus he declared all foods clean” (v.19). This is also the basic reason why Catholics are not forbidden to eat pork, even though the tradition of the Jews and Muslims does not allow it because they consider pork unclean. Father Francisco José also recalled that Saint Paul the Apostle had argued that there was no problem in eating meat sacrificed to idols, because these rites had no religious value. However, believers could freely abstain from such meats for reasons of conscience. Father Francisco José also stressed that, in this case: “The reason for abstaining from meat does not depend on whether it is animal meat, but on whether it has been sacrificed in a pagan rite, as was the custom of the Gentiles.” He also spoke of the meaning of Catholics abstaining from meat for reasons of penance, such as during Lent. “The logic of atonement is not to give up what is forbidden, because this is always done, but to give up what is allowed. If the Church calls for abstaining from meat on certain days or if some religious orders are always called to do so or at certain times, it is precisely because the Church is allowed to eat meat.” Finally Father Francisco José recalled that Saint Thomas Aquinas, one of the greatest theologians in Christian history, clearly affirmed that it is permissible to kill animals to feed oneself, and similarly it is permissible to use plants to feed oneself. #Bible #Christianity #Jesus #God #faith #prayer GodBlessYou

  • Bill Gates admits ‘making a lot of mistakes’ in dealing with pedophile billionaire Epstein.

    Bill Gates admits ‘making a lot of mistakes’ in dealing with pedophile billionaire Epstein. TTO - American billionaire Bill Gates called his relationship with ‘pedophile billionaire’ Jeffrey Epstein a ‘big mistake’, but insisted that he only interacted with Epstein to raise funds. In his first interview since his divorce on CNN (August 4, US time), billionaire Bill Gates reflected on many issues in his marriage. “It was a mistake to spend time with him, to give him credibility” - Bill Gates referred to billionaire Epstein. He said his relationship with Epstein was only for the purpose of raising funds for his and his wife’s charity. “I had dinner with him a few times, hoping that he would mention the things he had said about getting billions of dollars for global health through his connections. But when that seemed not to be true, the relationship ended” - Bill Gates explained. Billionaire couple Bill and Melinda Gates officially parted ways on August 3 after 27 years of living together. They announced their divorce in May 2021. Speaking of the divorce, Mr. Gates called it a “sad milestone”. “Melinda is a great person and the end of our relationship is a great sadness” - he said. Previously, there were rumors that the reason for the divorce of the world’s top ideal couple was partly due to Bill Gates’ relationship with the notorious billionaire party and prostitution, especially child prostitution. Mr. Epstein, the center of the scandal of organizing child prostitution that shocked public opinion, hanged himself in jail in Manhattan on August 10, 2019. The billionaire was accused of bringing more than 30 girls from 13-16 years old to his mansion in New York and Florida to sexually harass from 1999-2006. With the charges brought against him, if convicted, the 66-year-old billionaire could face up to 45 years in prison.

  • 35 Astonishing Facts about Jesus Christ

    35 Astonishing Facts about Jesus Christ Nearly all scholars agree that Jesus Christ existed. They don't agree on how well the Jesus in the Bible accurately reflects Jesus as a historical figure. Most Jews believe that Jesus Christ was not the Messiah and did not fulfill Messianic prophecy. They also do not believe that Christ was resurrected or divine. At the time of Jesus' birth, the town of Nazareth only had about 200–400 people. In the New Testament, the town is a literally joke, as seen in the Bible when someone says, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" In Islam, Jesus, or Isa, is considered an important prophet and a Messiah. Islam also holds that Jesus was born of a virgin, but that he was not the Son of God. Most Muslims believe that God brought Jesus to heaven and that he wasn't actually crucified. Jesus worked as a carpenter from ages 12 to 30, which means for 18 years, Jesus was akin to a day laborer Even Jesus needed "alone time." The Gospels frequently mention that Jesus needed to withdraw from the crowds. One cave where he spent some time is called the Eremos Cave, from which the word "desolate" and "hermit" derive. Some scholars note that Jesus did not want to die. In the Garden of Gethsemane, he says, "Remove this cup from me" and, "My soul is sorrowful even unto death." Byzantine artists tended to reimagine Christ as a young version of Zeus, to show His place as a cosmic King. Some of Jesus' critics in the Bible accuse him of drinking too much wine (Matthew Chapter 11, verse 19). Jesus probably did not have long hair, even during his ministry when he would have had a more "natural" look. Jewish men who had long hair were most likely to have taken a Nazarite vow, which Jesus probably did not. During his life, Jesus was considered to be a radical because he talked to women, spent time with sinners, and allowed his followers to pick grain on the Sabbath. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. - Jesus Christ 12. Because Jesus was a Jew, he almost certainly had Jewish features, such as olive skin, brown eyes, and black hair. 13. Scholars believe Jesus was about 5 feet, 5 inches (1.7 meters) tall, which is about the average height for an adult male at the time. 14. During the time of Christ, most Jews used only one name, which could be followed either by the phrase "son of . . . " or the person's hometown, which is why Jesus is often referred to as Jesus of Nazereth. 15. Scholars note that there were two solar eclipses around the time of Jesus' death: one in 29 AD, and one in 33 AD. The Christian Gospels state that the skies darkened after the crucifixion, which suggests that his death coincided with one of these eclipses. 16. The Sanhedrin arrested and tried Jesus Christ. Pontius Pilate sentenced him to be scourged and crucified. 17. Before Jesus died, he said, "I am thirsty." In response, he was offered wine mixed with myrrh or gall to drink. He refused it. 18. According to the gospels of Mark and John, Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene after his resurrection. She was involved in his ministry from the beginning to his death, and she is mentioned more times than most of the apostles. 19. It took Jesus six hours to die after he was hung on the cross 20. After Jesus was hung on the cross, Roman soldiers divided Jesus' clothes among themselves and cast lots for his robe. 21. Torture in Christ's day was meant to psychologically destroy someone before they died from any physical wounds. 22. While most scholars agree that Christ's crucifixion is an indisputable fact, they disagree about the reasons and context for it. 23. The path that Jesus took to his crucifixion is called the "Via Dolorosa," which is Latin for "Way of Grief" or "Way of Suffering." 24. Because the Romans felt like it was too gruesome to crucify someone in town, they made people carry their own cross to the outskirts of town, which, in Christ's case, was to Golgotha. 25. The word "crucifixion" literally means "fixed to a cross." 26. The Roman orator Cicero noted that of all the punishments, "crucifixion is the most cruel and most terrifying." 27. “Christ” is a title that comes from a Greek word meaning “Anointed One.” 28. Even though Pilate argued that he did not find Jesus guilty and allowed the Jews to choose to save Jesus, they choose to save a murderer called Barabbas and to crucify Jesus. 29. While hanging on the cross, Jesus told his disciples to take care of Mary, his mother. 30. The halo that often adorns Christ's and other saints' heads in works of art was originally a feature of the sun god (Apollo or Sol Invictus). It was appropriated for images of Christ to show his heavenly power. 31. According to many scholars, Jesus' father, Joseph, died by the time Jesus started his ministry. This is perhaps why Jesus is often referred to as Jesus, the son of Mary. 32. After Jesus' death, his brother James became a leader of the Jerusalem church. 33. The Shroud of Turin is the best-known relic of Jesus and one of the most studied objects in human history. 34. While experts continue to debate whether three or four nails were used in Jesus' execution, today, at least 30 nails are venerated as holy throughout Europe. 35. Jesus had at least four brothers and two sisters. It is still highly debated whether Jesus married and had children.

  • Replying to queries from youngsters: Episode 94 - Conviction or myth

    Replying to queries from youngsters: Episode 94 - Conviction or myth ANSWERING QUESTIONS FOR YOUNG CATHOLICS Lesson 94: FAITH OR SUPERSTITION Q: I believe in God, but sometimes in my mind I think it's superstition. Besides, many people who do not share the same religion also consider believers to be superstitious. Please help me in this problem? Answer: Dear Friend, To begin answering your question, let's look for definitions of what superstition is, what is faith? Then there are directions to help your beliefs strengthen against the challenges you pose. So what is superstition? According to the English Wikipedia: "Superstition is believing in vague, bullshit, inconsistent with nature (such as believing in divination, healing by enchantment, taking worship exams, not eating bananas,...) leading to adverse consequences for individuals, families and communities. Superstitions include acts of grandfathers and great-grandmothers, believing in fortune telling, believing in evil days, and believing in destiny. Therefore, it is necessary to fight against superstition." The Vietnamese Catholic dictionary defines it as: "Superstition means deviant or irreverent worship or giving creation a worship that only God deserves to be worshipped. Worship God tends to like magic. Worship of creation as God can take the form of idolatry, divination or enchantment." And what is faith? According to Wikipedia: "Faith is belief or belief in a person, thing, or concept. Religious people often think of faith as confidence in someone based on perceived levels of assurance. While others who doubt religion tend to think that faith is simply faith without evidence." According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we can summarize faith: Faith is a supernatural virtue, a gift from God that enables us to trust in God and accept what he teaches and pass on to us by the Church. With conviction we know that faith is not available to everyone, but it is God's gift to those He wants. You say "I believe in God," which is a great confession not everyone can say. With the above definitions you can see to what extent you are living your faith or are deviating, believing in a distorted way from what you profess... Is there really a God? It's a question that still costs a lot of ink and paper. Look at the beautiful universe with all kinds of things, all kinds of incense... One wonders who is the master of this universe? The unbeliever replied, "This is a derelict house. It's natural, no one makes it!" So to have a house, what does one have to do? Is there a pile of bricks that will naturally turn into a house into a castle of your own accord? A pile of bricks left there is still brick for a hundred years. Without the skillful hands and effort of the boatman, bricks are still bricks forever, not to mention their wear and decomposition over time. Youcan explore our solar system on websites, Youtube. The solar system consists of a sun in the center and has 8 planets orbiting in order from near to far. That dragon has our earth. The 8 planets are all on the same plane as the sun and all orbit the sun in a certain orbit, at a constant velocity. From the last million million years never deviated from orbit, not faster and slower than even a few seconds! Many years ago, Isaac Newton (1643-1727), a famous physicist, philosopher, mathematician, created a miniature model of the solar system in his study . Thanks to the aliasing system connecting the spheres together. When using the crank, 8 small spheres rotate around the large sphere (sun) at regular intervals. The model was like a miniature solar system operating smoothly in his room. While Newton was surveying the apparatus, a friend who did not believe in God was the Creator of the universe, who visited Newton. He marveled at the rhythmic, precise machinery, and exclaimed, "Oh Newton, that's wonderful! Who created this magical apparatus for you?" The scientist replied, "Nobody, it's in my room!" The friend replied, "You're kidding, if that's ridiculous! Someone has to create them?..." Newton looked at him and replied, "It is even more absurd to assume that the earth and the vast universe are natural." Newton later declared: "What I know is a drop of water, what I do not know is a vast ocean. The harmonious arrangements of the universe can only come from the drawing of an omnipotent and omniscient Being." Someone once claimed that the more science advances, it seems that belief in God is being overshadowed, because science has enlightened humanity that there is no God. But in fact, the more people discover the wonder of the universe, the image of God will be revealed: the famous chemist Justus von Liebig (1803–1873) declared: "The infinite greatness and wisdom of the Creator will only be seen by those who attempt to derive their ideas from the great book we call it nature." As man's efforts to find his own origins have increasingly found science and religion inseparable: "I can affirm that the rejection of faith lacks a scientific basis. In my view, there is no contradiction between faith and science." - Robert Millikan (1868–1953), American physicist, confirmed Nobel Prize in 1923 Charles Darwin (1809–1882), in his theory of evolution, also stated: "I never denied the existence of God. I think the theory of evolution is consistent with belief in God. I think the strongest proof of God's existence is that we cannot explain or understand the vast universe that goes beyond all calculations and cannot explain that human beings are the result of chance." Is Jesus God? In faith, we proclaim: "I believe in the one Church, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Mission." Apostolic tradition means that we believe in the very things that the Apostles proclaim. Jesus himself called them by name, so that they might be with him and he sent them to preach. The apostles testified of a Jesus, the only begotten Son of God who came to be Man, who healed the wounds of humanity with God's own mercy. God Himself came to "tent among us" to reveal to mankind about God and about His love for man. But perhaps, this event is beyond man's imagination: "He came to his house, but his family did not accept it" (Jn 1:11). And from there, doubts and opposition followed against the One who is God. Throughout the history of the Church there has been a lot of persecution everywhere to discourage those who profess the name of Jesus. The blood of the martyrs' heroes everywhere is still flowing, imbued with the grief of the faithful, what has made their faith remain strong in the face of such barbaric persecution, torture, and imprisonment: "Though the moon binds, the shackles are broken; the shackle-shaped grail radiating masonry; exempt from kindly resigned to a side; for the whole religion of piety" (Saint Peter Quy) - Vietnamese martyr. It is the Truth of God's love for humanity that becomes courage for those who successively profess God's name. Determined to defend the beliefs of their own forefathers even if their heads bleed. After Jesus' resurrection, the early Apostles were persecuted everywhere by authorities for proclaiming the Gospel of the Resurrection. At that time there was a Pharisee named Gamalian who stood up to speak in the middle of the synod when the apostles were being imprisoned for the name of Jesus; he was a scribe respected by the whole people, he said: "Ladies and gentlemen, Israelites, watch out for what you are about to do to these men. Some time ago Embroidery emerged, professed himself as a character and admitted about four hundred men; He was killed, and all his followers disintegrated, leaving nothing. After him, Judas the Galilean emerged at the time of the census, and drew the people with him; Even he was killed, and all his followers were shattered. So now, let me say to you: leave these people alone. Let them go, for if this intention or work is done by mortals, all will be destroyed; and if it is indeed God, you cannot destroy it; you are not good enough to be anti-Gods" (Acts 5:34-39). They agreed with his opinion. And for more than 2000,<> years his Church has endured and continued to grow, spreading everywhere because it is God's will. The faith of my friends of those who believe in Jesus is not ambiguous, it is corroborated through his Gospel (the Word of God), through the witness of the Apostles, through the very deaths of martyrs everywhere. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead proves to us that He was not a human being but indeed the Son of God made Man. He smashed the power of death, the control of sin to save us. "If Christ had not risen, your faith would have been illusory" (1 Corinthians 15:17). Dear Friend, Christ is alive and at work in the heart of the Church, he is present in the life of each of us. He said: "Stay in my love... Love one another as I love you" (Jn 15:12). His commandment is just to "love one another," through gestures of love, the kindness you give to your neighbor that God is already present in you. He promises that "I am with you every day until the end of the world" (Mt 28:20), we are not alone in our faith. What you believe is not superstition, but we are lacking the fire of faith. The Apostles asked Jesus: "Teacher, give us more faith" (Lk 17:5). So let us also ask God to increase our faith so that we can be more convinced. Besides, I would like to share with you some instructions about the duty of a person of faith, so that you can safely overcome the difficulties you encounter. - Always be thankful: God for giving you the gift of faith. - To defend your faith: in the face of situations of doubt, confusion, crisis, you need to calmly, silently pray, share with your fathers and sisters whom you trust, ask God to enlighten you to guide you. It is important to avoid false influences (heretical groups) that can shake and lead to loss of faith. Absolutely do not read books that are harmful to the faith. Try reading the Bible, the moral books, the Catholic Catechism, the Church-sanctioned books. Always stand up for faith without guilt when ridiculed or vilified. - Nurturing faith: by attending Mass, receiving Holy Communion, studying doctrine, reading God's Word, meditating on God's Word, receiving the Sacraments... - Witness to faith: Witness to loving others through words and acts of kindness. Be confident when professing to be a Christian in public (making signs before meals, thanking God for the joy of good fortune, making signs of prayer before competitions, events, etc.). - Spread the faith: Join several parish congregations (choirs, catechists), support missionary work by sharing in helping the poor, remote missionary areas. Pray for those who have lost faith or have not yet had faith, recite prayers for those who have passed away. (Excerpt from Questions for Young Catholics, Volume 5, Religion Publishing House, 05/2021) WHĐ (24.07.2023)

  • July 25: St. James the Apostle

    July 25: St. James the Apostle He raised his hand and pointed to his disciples and said, "This is My mother and My brother..." (Mt 12:49) READING I:2 Cor 4:7-15 "We always carry on our bodies the death of Jesus." Excerpt from St. Paul the Apostle's second letter to the Corinthians. Dear brothers, We store this treasure in crockery vessels to know that that unparalleled power is God's, not ours. We suffer privately, but are not crushed; we must be long, but not desperate; we are persecuted, but not abandoned; knocked down, but not destroyed. Because we always carry on our bodies the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may be revealed in our bodies. Therefore, even though we are alive, for Jesus' sake, we always surrender ourselves to death, so that Jesus' life may be revealed in our dead or dead bodies. So death rages in us, and life works in you. But have a spirit of faith as it says, "I believed, so I spoke," and we believe, so we also speak, because we know that the One who raised Jesus, will also raise us to life with Jesus and will put us beside him as one with you. Everything is for the sake of brothers, that the more grace is filled, by many who give thanks, the more the glory of God increases. It is God's word. A: Tv 125, 1-2ab. 2cd-3. 4-5. 6 Answer: He who sows in sorrow will reap in joy (v. 5). Sing: 1) When God brought back the captured Zionists, we seemed to be dreaming; Now our mouths laughed, and our tongues uttered cries of joy. -Answer. 2) Then the people said to each other, "The Lord has treated them generously." The Lord had treated us generously, so we rejoiced. -Answer. 3) Lord, change our fate, like the streams of the south. He who sows in sorrow, will reap in joy. -Answer. 4) He walked and wept, carrying grain in his hands to sow; They returned jubilantly, shoulders carrying bundles of rice. -Answer. Good News: Mt 20, 20-28 At that time, the mother of Jebede's children and her two children went to see Jesus. She fell down to bow to him, intending to ask him for it. He asked, "What do you want?" She replied, "Please command my two children to sit on their right, one on their left, in your kingdom." Jesus replied, "You do not know what you ask. Can you drink the cup I'm about to drink?" They said to him, "Yes." He said to them, "Then ye shall drink of My cup, and sitting on the right or left, is not in my right, but for whom my Father has prepared him." Hearing this, the other ten expressed their displeasure with the brothers. Jesus called them back and said, "You know that the leaders of the nations dominate over them and those who do great exercise power over them. It can't be between you. Of you, whoever wants to be great, serves you, and whoever wants to lead you, be your servant. Just as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as ransom for many." Meditation (Archbishop Joseph Nguyen Nang) Message: To follow Jesus is not to gain status, wealth, comfort, but to follow him on the path of sacrifice, to serve in humility. Prayer: Jesus, it's not just St. James and St. John that we all dream of status, domination over others, wealth, comfort. At one point I wondered: I followed God and sacrificed for you, but why my life is still poor, hard, pinched. Lord, you let me understand that to follow you is to accept to drink the bitter cup of your passion, to renounce yourself, not to enjoy or be privileged. God Himself came to serve and give his life as a ransom for mankind. As a disciple of God, I cannot live differently from you. I can have no other path but the path of selfless service to others. The deeper I go into the path of the cross, the more I am screened to be more like you. But in order to do that, I have to wrestle with myself, wrestle with the temptations of the world and, above all, accept disadvantage. Lord, even if it comes at a cost, even if it takes sacrifice, I am ready to accept it all. This way of cross I have chosen, may your love become my sustaining strength. And I trust that it is you who will make my steps on the path of sacrifice and service, blossom so much that so that more people will know you and be willing to follow you unconditionally. Amen. Remember: "You will drink My cup." Meditation 1: (Lm. Carolic Silver Lake) * Relic: St. James (money), Apostle 1. James' background: James was the son of Debede and Solome, brother of St. John the Apostle; lived as net fishermen in the sea of Jenezareth, fishing friends with Peter and Andrew. The Gospel often mentions the brothers James and John the Apostle many times. They belonged to Jesus' group of disciples (along with Peter and John). They witnessed: God's resurrection of his daughter Joseph. The Manifestation of God at Mount Thabor. When the Lord prayed in the garden of Olives. James was the first of the Twelve to bear witness to Jesus with his peach blood: Herod Antipa ordered his head beheaded in 44 (Acts 12:2; Mt 20:22-23). Thus fulfilling God's prophecy to him: "he has divided the cup of the Lord." 2. James' temperament: James is called the High Apostle (Mt 20:20). James was called the "son of heaven" by God, which shows how hot-tempered and passionate he was. Indeed, his reaction to the Samaritan peoples explained that. When the Lord crossed the Samaritan road to Jerusalem, along the way the Samaritans refused to welcome him, James suggested to the Lord, "Master, do you want us to bring fire down from heaven and destroy them?" (Lk 9:54). James' high hopes are also reflected in the fact that Solomeh, his mother, appealed to Jesus to James and John: "Command my children here to sit one on the left, one on His right in His kingdom" (Mt 20:21). The mother's ambition is so transmitted to the child that if the mother does not ask, the child asks for herself. The evidence is that Mark recounts the story of this petition without mentioning the mother, but only tells James and John to say it in their own mouths (Mk 10:37). Despite James' high ambitions, God chose him and trusted him, and He converted him. The Lord converted the disciples: By his exemplary life: Jesus washed the feet of the Apostles and he told the Apostles to wash each other's feet, for "whoever wants to be great in you, serve you" (Mt 20:27). By his death: man came to offer his life as ransom on behalf of many (Mt 20:28). The Apostles were martyred one by one to follow God's example. 3. Awareness and application: St. James belonged to boatmen who worked hard as net fishermen; on the other hand there was ambition to go against the role and spirit of the apostle, but Jesus still called and chose him to follow him and be his Apostle. This proves that Christ's grace was so powerful to transform James' heart and life that he gave himself completely to God. Following James' example: the apostle should not be self-conscious about his inferiorities, but trust in the love and power of God's grace to give himself fully to God. Following the Lord, James still had mortal ambitions, but thanks to God's teaching and especially God's example, he gave up everything and gave himself up to God completely. The apostle needed to listen to God's word in order to receive God's teachings; at the same time, we must contemplate God's living example in order to imitate living fully for God. James was dedicated by God to his immediate circle to witness the events necessary for his mission as an Apostle. Those who are called to consecrated life are also individually chosen during their cultivation to find the Lord, to come to the Lord, to remain with the Lord, and to be transformed into an identity with the Lord, so that they may fulfill their apostolate ministry. A- Analysis (Seeds...) Today's Gospel tells a not-so-good story about St. James. - Shortly after Jesus announces for the third time his impending suffering, the brothers ask their mother to ask for two privileges in the State they thought he was about to establish: "To sit on the right and sit on the left" are not just seats of honor but actually sharing the right to rule. - Before answering, Jesus makes a remark: "You do not know what you ask for." Yes, these 3 mothers and children thought the "water" of Jesus Just like all water on earth, there is status and rights. They want seats on Jesus' left and right, which means they want two priorities in that country. - Then Jesus asks again, "Can ye drink the cup I am about to drink?" "Cup": A symbol of suffering. (cf. Psalm 75.9 ; Is 51:17-22). Jesus Himself in the Tree of Olives exclaimed, "Let me not drink this cup" (Mark 14:36). Jesus asked if they could bear His suffering and death. The two men replied indiscriminately that they could. He promised to let them share those things. In fact, James was later martyred around AD 44 (Acts 12:1-2); and John followed the Holy Tradition, and suffered great persecution. - Then Jesus calls them all together for education. In the education section, he first spoke of the behavior of the worldly leaders (namely the officials of the Roman Empire). They are extravagant and dictatorial. The part of Jesus' disciples, the future leaders of the Church, must behave differently. He used a very particular word "servant": this is the lowest category of people in society. Church leaders must be ready to serve people in the most vile position. B- Meditation (... sprouting) 1. People often think of "gaining" rather than " losing." When doing something, people premeditate what it will give them; Whenever they see something that can make them "lose", they will immediately refuse and avoid it. That calculated way of thinking has also influenced people to follow God: to follow the religion to "get" to live peacefully and prosperously; Go to the monastery to "be" relaxed and valued by the world. James and John are also part of that calculated way of thinking. But Jesus taught the opposite way of life: those who want to follow Him must dare to lose before they can "get" later. 2. "You do not know what you ask": Sometimes I do not know what I ask of God. I only ask for very secondary things that are not only not beneficial but also harmful to my true life. There are far more important and essential things for the journey to follow the Lord, I did not ask. 3. "You will drink my cup": This word Jesus not only addressed the 2 brothers James and John but in general to the 12 disciples, and also to me. Sooner or later I will "get" to drink God's cup. Am I prepared for that moment? 4. "Man came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many." (Mt 20:28) On the very feast day of St. James the Apostle, the Church chose the Gospel passage that recounts how the 3 mother and son of Jebedean came to see and asked God to sit on His right and left side in the Kingdom of Heaven, which was a pity for James. But I think God speaks not only for the 2 brothers James, but also for the other 10 disciples who are angry with the 2 brothers James, and for both me and you, who like to eat on the front seat, like to point 5 fingers, like high authority to use authority to command, to take the right to dominate. Generally prefer to be served rather than served. Lord, teach me: it is when you give yourself that you are received, when you forget yourself, when you see yourself again. 5. In the office of a Psychological Counselor, a young woman who is both young and rich, confided: "Whatever I want, my husband has it. I had everything, but I was incredibly empty inside. Please give me some advice." The counselor did not answer, but asked her secretary to tell her life story. She said: "My husband died, 3 months ago my child also died from a car crash. I felt like I lost everything, I couldn't sleep, I didn't want to eat, I never laughed. One day I came home from work a little late. There was a kitten that kept following me. It was cold. I felt sorry for him, so I opened the door for him to enter the house. I made him a glass of milk. He meowed and rubbed himself against my leg. For the first time I laughed. Then I thought: if helping a kitten can make me laugh, then helping someone else can make me happy. So the next day I baked some loaves of cake and gave it to the old lady next door who was standing by. Every day I try to do something for the people I meet to be happy. And indeed I was happy. I've learned that we're not happy when we're just waiting for others to bring us happiness; On the contrary, I will be truly happy when I make others happy." Hearing this, the young woman burst into tears. She had anything money could buy, but she had lost things that money couldn't buy. And she decided to follow the secretary's example. Meditation 2: (Rev. Joseph Dinh Lap Liem) St. James the Apostle, feast of veneration (Mt 20:20-28, Mk 20:35-45) The third time Jesus announced his coming passion to his disciples, they didn't seem to understand. They still hold true to the Jewish notion of waiting for earthly glory in a political sense. They thought only of the position in the country that Jesus was about to establish. They worry about arguing and arguing with each other, worried about occupying a higher place in the future kingdom. But Jesus taught them a lesson: in his kingdom true greatness is not in prestige and honor, but in serving others to the extreme, if necessary: "The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and give your life as a ransom for all." According to the general psychology of humanity, everyone wants to be rich and rich, wants to have a high position, likes to eat on the front seat, wants to be served by people ... But those standards are not necessarily God's. The provisional ambition of Jebede's sons James and John was an occasion for Jesus to articulate: what is true greatness? Jesus did not answer the pleas of the brothers James and John because it did not fit His ways. On this occasion he taught them to be his special disciples, and also to teach us a lesson: greatness is not about honor, wealth, fame or strength... but stay in the service of others. That's why he said, "He who wants to be big must be everyone's servant." This teaching goes against people's behavior, forcing us to brainstorm! Meditation 3: (Rev. Nguyen Vinh Son SCJ) St. James was the brother of St. John, son of Debede, who worked as a net fisherman. He was one of the first four disciples called by the Lord to follow him (cf. Mt 4:18-22). He was one of God's close disciples, having witnessed important events in Jesus' life. He witnessed the resurrection of his son Zurous, his transformation on Mount Taborê, and Jesus' dying death in the Garden of Olives. He was the first of the apostles to shed his blood to attest to Jesus' resurrection under Herod Agrippa I between AD 43 and 44. St. James is honored to be the first apostle to die to bear witness to the Gospel. May we find strength through his example of martyrdom. Story One day Cardinal Roncalli just got out of the car. He's just gone so far. The delegation of the Episcopal See greeted him. Everyone was surprised that there were some country straw on the shoulders of the cardinal's shirt. Everyone who asked him laughed happily, but the assistants in the car understood. The cardinal's car was heading north to south through the fields. In the middle of the road an ox cart carrying straw fell into a pit. The coachman tried to push the side but the car didn't budge. The cardinal brought the car to a halt, rolled up his sleeves and pushed the sidekick, and the bogged straw car shifted gears again on its way. The straw on the Cardinal's shoulders was just a laugh to him. But it really shows us a cardinal who doesn't mind difficulties or fear dirty plush line shirts. Later, when he ascended the papacy, John XXIII continued a simple lifestyle of service. Meditations Jesus announces his passion for the third time, the disciples still do not fully understand the mystery of the cross, they still hope for a Messianic dynasty that I am about to open with the glory of the Master - the Messiah - the Savior. The mother of the brothers James and John quickly asked for two places of honor in His country: Cho sat on his left and right when the Messian kingdom opened. Clearly this request ignores the revelation of the Jerusalem journey, ignores the cross that I am revealing. They still don't understand anything about Jesus' true destiny. By asking, "You do not know what you ask. Can ye drink the cup at least I'm going to drink?" Jesus tried to transform their thought from the "glory of the Messiah" in the human conception to the "path to glory" of through suffering through the image of the bitter cup. James and John did not understand what they asked, but nevertheless spoke. James and John were converted by God into the bitter grail of the Master which caused them like him to face their deaths: James was killed by Herod Agrippa in 44 and was the first martyred apostle in Jerusalem (cf. Acts 12:2) and John would be subjected to persecution under the emperor Neron, was put into a cauldron of boiling oil at the Latin door. He escaped bondage at Patmos Island (cf. Rev 1:9). In the sense of the mystery of the cross through the image of the bitter cup and baptism, Jesus leads from the dreaming of the glorious authority they desire to the communion of life with him: "He who wants to be great, serves you, and he who wants to lead in you, then be your servant..." (Mt 20:26-27). Jesus had the full authority of a God, but He did not act as a ruler, but became like "a servant." He was not like a "lord" but a "servant" (cf. Jn 13:13) by washing the feet of his disciples on a holy Thursday afternoon and teaching the lesson of service to them. Therefore, the disciple of Jesus was chosen to serve you according to the teaching and example of the Master himself – Jesus. He affirmed his duty to serve on the basis of his behavior: "The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many" (Mt 20:28). Life is a journey of the cross, and like the disciples John and James, we are called to drink the bitter cup through the hardships of life. To carry life as Jesus carries the cross is the bitter cup that the Father gives, pierces and rises. GodsLove

  • Will ancestral sins be abolished? Does the Church have any new thoughts on this today?

    Will ancestral sins be abolished? Does the Church have any new thoughts on this today? Ancestral sin, or generational sin, is the idea that individuals inherit the judgement for the sin of their ancestors. It is based on a passage from Exodus 20:5, which states that “the iniquities of the fathers are visited upon the sons and daughters — unto the third and fourth generation.” 1 This concept implies that “unresolved issues get handed down from generation to generation”, but that “Jesus is the bondage breaker … [and] He is able to break the cycle of this curse, but only if we want Him to.” The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus died on the cross to redeem humanity from original sin, which is the sin of Adam and Eve that affects all their descendants. By baptism, people are freed from original sin and receive God’s grace. However, they still have to face its consequences, such as death, suffering and concupiscence. They also have to avoid personal sins, which are the result of their free will. The Church does not teach that people are guilty of the sins of their ancestors, but that they may suffer from their effects, such as physical or psychological disorders, social problems, or spiritual weaknesses. The Church also teaches that people can be healed from these effects by God’s mercy and grace, through prayer, sacraments, and works of charity. The Eastern Orthodox Church has a different understanding of ancestral sin. It does not see it as a guilt inherited from Adam and Eve, but as a corruption of human nature that makes people prone to sin. It also does not see baptism as a removal of original sin, but as a restoration of human nature to its original state of communion with God. The Orthodox Church believes that people can be healed from the effects of ancestral sin by participating in the life of the Church, especially through the sacraments of baptism, chrismation, and eucharist. As for whether ancestral sins will be abolished or not, that depends on how one understands them. If they are seen as a curse or a punishment from God, then they can be abolished by God’s forgiveness and grace. If they are seen as a consequence or an influence of human actions, then they can be abolished by human repentance and conversion. In any case, Christians believe that God is always willing to heal and restore his children who turn to him with faith and love.

  • The Picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe: A Mysterious and Inspiring Story of Catholicism in America

    The Picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe: A Mysterious and Inspiring Story of Catholicism in America The Picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a picture taken in 1979 at a Catholic church in Los Angeles, California. The picture shows the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe appearing on a wall inside the church. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patroness of Mexico and Latin America, and is considered a symbol of unity among different peoples. The picture was taken by a journalist named José Luis Gonzalez, who came to the church to do a story about the activities of the Mexican community there. As he was taking pictures, he noticed a strange light shining from a window onto the wall. He decided to capture the light and later discovered that it had the shape of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The picture caused a lot of attention from the public and the media. Many people came to the church to see the picture and pray. Many people believed that this was a miracle of Our Lady, expressing her love and protection for her faithful. Many people also thought that this was a message from Our Lady about peace and social justice. However, there were also some skeptics who thought that this was just an optical phenomenon caused by light reflection from the window. They argued that the picture had nothing special and was only the result of the imagination of the viewer. Until now, there has been no scientific explanation for this picture. The Picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe is still displayed at the church and attracts many people to admire and honor it.

  • The Weeping Wall of the Virgin Mary is a wall located in St. Paul’s Church in Makati, Philippines

    The Weeping Wall of the Virgin Mary: Miracle or Natural Phenomenon? The Weeping Wall of the Virgin Mary is a wall located in St. Paul’s Church in Makati, Philippines. The wall is decorated with paintings of the Virgin Mary and angels. However, in 1998, a strange event occurred. Some people noticed that the wall began to cry tears. The tears had a rose scent and a salty taste. Many people came to see and witness this phenomenon. They also collected the tears of the wall and took them for analysis. The results showed that the tears had the same composition as human tears. Many people believed that this was a miracle of the Virgin Mary, expressing her sorrow and compassion for humanity. However, there were also some skeptics who thought that this was a hoax or a natural phenomenon. They argued that someone might have used a water pipe to make the wall cry, or that it was due to humidity in the air causing condensation. Until now, there has been no definitive explanation for this event. The Weeping Wall of the Virgin Mary continues to cry on important days of the Church, such as Christmas or the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Many people still come to pray and ask for favors before the wall, believing that it is a sign from God.

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